Friday, March 5, 2010

I Get an F

Yesterday I accomplished not one of my goals. Not even close. Nope didn't happen. The day just seemed to disappear on me. And the worst part is that if I had been on top of my game I would have made them happen. But as usual I was a scatter brained moppet and things just fell to bits.

For instance, yesterday I went out for a meal and a bitch fest with my Ex's mom. She's the best ever. I love her to bits. So I get to Applebee's and seated right behind us are a bevy of the women that I used to have LPN classes with. A perfect opportunity to meet my goal of 3 PC contacts. But I say nothing, just smile politely and don't intrude on their conversation. (mostly because I felt intimidated be them because they had gone on in the course so must be smarter than me....) So missed goal #1. Also the waitress was supper nice and talkative, missed opportunity #2. I got home from my luncheon about an hour before having to get my daughter from school. Instead of exercising I puttered on the computer setting up my digital picture frame (that has admittedly been sitting vacant since Christmas, but still). So there goes my exercise time. Home with the kidlets they proceed to drive me too distraction so that by bed time I'm so exhausted I decide to crash right after they are asleep. There by not doing my blog, my hour of Pampered Chef work, OR my hour of story writing. Suck Suck Suck. To top it off my husband curled up next to me and woke late for his midnight shift. Not that it's my fault, just an added twist to the suckdom.

Today wasn't much better. I woke to my son crying to be fed, which woke my daughter (as they share a room) and started my day then and there at 7am. I foolishly had them pile into bed with me thinking to gain more shut eye. But it just resulted in squirming baby's, no sleep for any and a frustrated mama. At 8am my husband came home for a quick change so that he could scoot to an interview. He wanted to wear a his suit (the one that we bought for our wedding that at the time he said "Why do I have to buy a suit, when am I ever going to need it again?" to which I'd replied "Well maybe an interview". He scoffed at me....Well who's scoffing now smartty pants! Sometimes it's difficult to be right all the time *grins*.)

My lovely daughter seeing how nice he looked decided that it was fancy day and put on an Easter dress that my mom bought her last year. (It's getting tight and it's killing me that my kids are growing out of the last things that we got from her). So deciding that it would be fun to play along I got fancy too. This took much longer than I intended as I don't often get fancy anymore, so my skills are rusty. Once we (the kids and I) were all dressed for the day, I herded us out the door so I could drop the kids at a friend, run get the ex, and go to my Peanut's school conferences. They went well and I was chatting companionably with the ex. when work called. My boss proceeded to chew me out for minor infractions (being 5 minutes late my last shift when I haven't been late in almost 4 months or more) and the like. After getting off the phone with her feeling surprised and hurt. I tried to keep my cool and then burst into tears. 

The poor ex. (We can't keep calling him that, hum let me think....CT, yeah that's it.) Poor CT tried to console me and then get out of the car as quickly as possible. (He is SUCH a guy). I then called my sister Nan to try to chill out. She helped talk me down despite the sleep cloaking her voice.

Finally back at my friends I reoriented to attempt a better day. She and I had a nice lunch with the kids, And then went our separate ways to do errands. I was so addled by the days events that I forgot diapers... I mean really I work two 12 hours this weekend and we've got only 10 left at home...I officially need a new brain. 

At home the kids pulled the ol' on and off game. You know the one. It's where if one was quiet and happy the other was whining or crying. At 5pm I lost it at both of them. My husband woke from his slumber and came to intervene. I hollered at him, He hollered at me, I burst into tears again...WTF. He took over dinner while I attempted to take a five minute break. (Peanut wouldn't let me...she even followed me into the bathroom...I had to lock her out, I mean really I don't know how to make her understand boundries). Anyway after that things went a little better. 

But now it's 9pm, I have to go shopping for diapers, and other than this post I've failed my goals yet again today....Perhaps I'll try to fit in some PC work, But I don't know, I'm feeling a little physically and emotionally worn. TTFN.

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