Friday, April 2, 2010

Belated Random Thoughts

Yes there is a trend going on for the moment, deal. Today has been lovely. It's been beautiful out and I've had a very togetherness kind of day with the kids. That could be because I essentially devoted it to them. There has been no errands no running around, no yelling (at least on my part), and I'm always grateful for that. I have always really disliked when I yell. I don't feel like it's the real me who is talking, and it's never pretty.

Anywho, having said that it's been a great day, I'm dreading tonight. My husband works the swing shift and tonight (actually all this week) he's gone in at 8pm. Which means he gets up at dinner, bath and bedtime. You would think this mean that he has time to help me, but not so much when he's got to get his dinner, shower, pack food and prepare for going to work. It totally blows. I end up feeling all alone and help-less (not to be confused with helpless), it's no good. I'm hoping for a good tonight as the kids have been out in the great weather and fresh air always manages to make them conk out.

In other news I fed my Nugget Chef Boyardee mini raviolis today. (I cut them up of course). Even though I know that I would never have done that with my first, I find myself doing all kinds of stuff like that with him. I think after your first child survives and you see that you're a good parent and that bending the rules a little doesn't hurt them you just start to bend them all over. You want some cotton candy? "Sure!" Oreo? "Sure!" Dilly bar? "Why not!" It's just so much easier to give in and let them try it than it is to fight them one armed while you try to do whatever it is you need to.

Also today Nugget took a nap in the middle of the day, one where he actually let me lay him down. It was blissful. I got to nap on the couch while my Peanut watched a movie and then she and I got some alone time before he woke to make cookies. So nice. I hope we can make it a regular thing as my poor Peanut needs more alone time with me.

Oooo in other news I made a canopy for my daughters bed for less than $15! I was only able to do it because she has the bottom of a bunk bed set as her bed. But it is so cool. I got 4 wooden dowels and stuck them in the bunk bed holes. Then I put eye screws on top of those. I bought a few yards of chiffon on sale at Jo Ann's, and tied them at the corners. Last I took some thread, tied it to the center of the fabric then taped that tread to the ceiling. It's not bad if i do say so myself. And she walked in a said "Mom! It's just like Fancy Nancy!" Which made me feel awesome because she LOVES those books.

So there's my bit of random. Hope you all have a great day.


  1. What a nice surprise for your daughter. Did the same thing for my son, but instead it had a few sides making it a tent fort.

    It's hard when you start to feel like a single parent. But I always look to the other women in my life. My mom with five kids (all a year apart), my aunt with seven, my sister with four, my co-worker with nine, and I realize that I can deal with anything.

  2. It is always soo nice to not have to yell. Less stress for everyone involved.

    I'm sure your hubby doesn't like the situation just as much as you. At least you have someone, so many don't and are doing it alone. Just think of the little blessings you have.

    That canopy looks great! Your very crafty.

  3. Thanks guys. I know that I can muddle through. I just am aiming for more good days than bad, and I'm not sure I'm making it. I know my Husband has a hard time too. Always missing out on stuff and not getting really good sleep because our walls are thin.

    I guess I'm just whining. As my Husband likes to say "Hard things are HARD!" It always makes me laugh. Sometimes I just wish they didn't have to be quite this hard.

    And thanks for the compliments on the canopy. :)
