A hurried morning, followed by a really busy day at work.
I really hate our instant gratification society and how impolite and rude people can be.
I really like my job, and the people that I work with.
I'm glad that people are becoming involved and proactive in caring for themselves.
However, the expectations and the return response time that is expected now is unrealistic.
There is only so much that we can do.
The medical profession is too far understaffed and it is greatly in need.
Our clinic is currently down doctors and nurses and it seems that we are always short staffed for some reason or another and the work load that is expected of us and that grows with each day is daunting.
There isn't enough time in the day.
It makes you feel frazzled, like a um.... frazzled thing is.
I came home to cranky babies in need of cuddling and so sat on the floor for 15 min just holding each kid for 5 minutes each.
I set up dinner. we ate and had a treat, then I took 15 min and let the kids listen to songs.
I changed the boys, had them all brush teeth, read stories, said prayers, sang songs, tucked them in and now I'm sitting at the glowing screen and thinking how I wish I could just go and curl up with them just so I have more time with them.
But I know that if I do they will stay awake longer and be even crankier tomorrow.Ii miss my babies. I miss watching them grow.
I work all week and never see them but a scant few hours a week then their dad takes them all weekend.
I never see them and they never see me. Some days it gets so overwhelming I just want to curl up and cry.
I have to say that if I go back to school once the boys are in school then I will most likely be going for something that isn't in the medical profession, it's too demanding.
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