Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Tidbits.

Today I am recovering from Easter. The kids both got HUGE baskets. I didn't intend for them to be so gigantic, but I have this bad habit of buying a little bit here and a little bit there and before I know it everything is over the top. I did it for Christmas too. I really need to start keeping track. After baskets we just hung out together for a while. It was nice to have that slow and worry free time together with them. It's so rare when they both aren't driving me mad.

After that I took my Peanut to her Dad's so that she could get yet another Easter basket (I know crazy). But I couldn't stop laughing watching her sugared up self run literal circles about his house. It was lunch time and so he kindly invited me out to eat at Subway. It was good to just hang out and chat with him. I really love those moments when he and I can be just friends again, instead of our discussions being reduced to "she had a bath and breakfast, but she's still got homework to do." and the like. It's not that we aren't friendly to each other, quite the contrary, we just don't always have time in our lives for a sit down chat.

Upon returning home I woke my husband so we could go to the In-laws for dinner. It was good to be around adults and have more than one rushed grown up conversation for the day. Home again, home again jiggity jig, Where I began to paint my entertainment center. This is done for 2 reasons. 1. It's all scared and stained and will just look nicer. 2. It should (when I get around to painting the living room) then match the decor. Finally at the end of the night I gained some of that semi-alone time with my husband that we are so vastly lacking. After that it's all just R and R time.

Today I've been having a hard time getting motivated. See the problem with my husbands work schedule is that I always have to get up every morning at the butt crack of dawn with the kids. And I am not a morning person. never have been, never will be. I can count on one hand the number of times since I've had kids that I've gotten to sleep as long as I wanted without being disturbed. Even when my Husband says I can eventually he comes in with some question, or my daughter sneaks past his guard, or heck I've just been in there TOO long and they think that no one can sleep that long. No matter how many times I tell them that I can. 'Kay so that was a long tangent just to say that today I'm worn out, tired, and lazy and don't want to do anything. *laughs*

Oh well. I hope everyone had a great weekend and are feeling more motivated than I. :)


  1. Sounds like the kids got enough sugar to last them for the year!

    It is so nice when the parents can still be friends.

    I bet that entertainment center turned out nice.

    I hope one of these days you will get to sleep in.

  2. It is nice that we're friends. That doesn't mean we ALWAYS agree. Just that we try to do what we think is best for her without being rude or mean to each other.

    And I'm hoping for that sleep filled day too. *grins*

  3. Just caught up with your blog! *phew!* Can't wait to see the entertainment center! Also-Kudos on starting baby's schedule! Maybe I should come over really early one day so you can sleep in?!
