Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spin Cycle: Appearances


"Don't judge a book by it's cover"...

"Appearances can be deceiving"...

"Look before you leap"...

All these words of wisdom, and what do they really mean. Well I'm here to tell you....I DON'T KNOW. :)

But I can tell you my take on them.

I feel that in our society we are so geared toward appearances that we are constantly misled and bound to believe ridiculous untruths.

Skinny people are beautiful
People who wear glasses are smart
Handsome = a good partner

And so on and so forth. But the truth is that you really can't tell who someone is by how they look. There is just no way to make that instant judgment, and yet so many of us do.

I remember when I started dating my very 1st boyfriend he was lanky, and wiry, his hair was curly and long, and his mouth was too wide. So many people asked me why I was dating him, what did I see in him? And so I told them the truth, I thought he was beautiful. I had known him for 3 years and his mind and soul were these almost tangible shining things that I could gaze at and become enraptured over. And he took the time to know me. He was one of only 3 people in my life who could often finish my sentences. So, very early on I learned that your perception of a persons appearance can be greatly influenced by getting to know them.

In essence you can meet someone and they may seem just average to begin with, but in getting to know them they can become more beautiful than any super model because you discover their true beauty lying within. The reverse is true too. You can see that Johnny Depp look-a-like walking down the street and think 'Man I've got to get to know HIM!', but then when you do, you find out that he's rude, demeaning, cruel and heartless and before you know it he's looking less and less like Johnny.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't put much stock in appearances. I also do my best not to judge. If someone is out at the store in their pajamas, maybe they're lazy, but maybe just maybe they're having a really tough week. I think I do this because I don't want to be judged that way myself. And as my beloved mother used to say "To assume makes and ASS out of U and ME."

I'd like to say that I'm not influenced by others opinions of me, but that would be telling an untruth. I do care, just not enough to worry about it 24/7. If I'm out of diapers, Nugget just spit up on me and Peanut just slathered my hip with chocolatey/painty/muddy hand prints, *shrugs* I'm not going to worry too much about it until I have more time to care for it. I'm going to get those darn diapers and to hell with whoever feels they can sneer at me and my "slovenlyness" (Is that a word?...Well if not, it is now).

But despite this post I don't think that human kind is suddenly going to change and become more loving and accepting of those who are different.

There is some faulty part of humans that disregards what is different, that puts down what isn't understood and that seems to always wants to be "better" than others. It makes me sad.

So now that I've brought down the WHOLE post I'll write this. People are beautiful. It is our differences that make us not only unique but intriguing. If someone makes you feel like you are less, stop hanging around them. You should only surround yourself with your "beautiful people" those that bolster you up, aid you and love you where you are at.

For more Spins on appearances check out Sprite's Keeper


  1. What a lovely and honest post. You are very wise. If only the rest of the world thought the same way, can you imagine what a beautiful, loving, and accepting society we'd be? I really enjoyed this.

  2. The Johnny Depp comparison is dead on! I've also imagined similarities in others that dissapated once their true personality came out.
    What hits me hardest is that impressions on someone's appearance depend on the judge's own feelings at that moment. If the judge is in a good mood, the person's less than stellar appearance is forgiven. If not in a good mood, bring on the execution.
    You're linked!

  3. Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly. I believe that people should see people as being different first and not place judgment upon people. I actually wrote a post over a year ago which says more:

    Thank you for your great spin,

  4. AMEN!! I totally agree with you. And I for one, am glad there are people like you out there, so that when my kids and I all go to Walmart in our pjs, I know you won't judge me!

    And I totally agree about how getting to know people can change them from average to amazing looking. Personally, I think what makes people is kindness and happiness, that light that shines in some people's eyes, that tells you they care and are at peace with the world. Those kind of people are beautiful, and that's the kind of person I want to be.

  5. I agree that your last paragraph sums it up beautifully.

  6. I noticed that the guys in college who looked great were often very full of themselves. I found a guy who I think is very handsome, and he has gotten better every year as I get to know him better.
    Wonderful spin.

  7. Lovely post. I tended to gravitate to the scruffy guys after my experience with the Johnny guy. Thank goodness I did cause I meet my wonderful hubby. People take one look at him and think the worst. LOL! That couldn't be farther from the truth.

  8. You know what? I'll take the dorky nerdy guy I'm with now over the handsome slim one I married any day of the week. The dorky guy thinks I'm wonderful. The one I married had a cheating heart.

    Fabulous spin!

  9. What lovely and loving words. Enjoyed it immensely.
