Saturday, March 13, 2010

And the beat goes on...

I know I know. It has been almost a week since I wrote a blog... but I've got a very good reason. This last week my house hosted the plague (or at least a stomach flu doing it's best to compeate with one).

It started innocently enough, CT called me on Mon to say that my Peanut was sick and could I visit cuz she wanted mommy for a bit (nice thing about small towns #116). So I hop in the car and go over for a evening visit hauling Nugget along. Once there I'm invited to have dinner as well. As I'm never one to turn down free food, I stay. We convince my sweet sweet Peanut to have some bites of bland baked potato, as nothing (not even water) has managed to stay in her stomach all day. BAD IDEA. 30 min later as I'm gently hugging her good bye my poor girl gets ill all over me.

After cleaning her, soothing her, and hugging her yet again I head home in my borrowed shirt and take my second shower of the day. I then feed and snuggle my Nugget to bed and tuck him in his crib. Puttering about I spend time with my husband until he has to go to work. Just as the lovely man is walking out the door I hear the unmistakeable sound of my baby boy being ill, his nuk flying from his mouth to clatter to the floor. I rush in to swoop him up only to have him be sick all over me. Striping him down I plunk he and I in a bath (me still in my jammies no less). Once we're ALL clean I bring him to bed with me so I can monitor him.

At 4am I wake up with that queasy feeling..... I won't go into the gory details, but it wasn't pleasant and it wasn't pretty. I spent Tues and Weds literally crawling from my bed to the bathroom pushing a bowl in front of me just in case.

And because the husband came home that morning sick too, guess who called her daddy to come and take care of the family. That's right, it was me. I don't think I've ever felt that ill in my life. It made me miss my mama even more.

Thursday was spent attempting to rediscover the house and Friday I went for a much needed visit to my oldest sister. She gave me sage advice, fed me fudge striped cookies, and in general reminded me that life is never as bad as you think it is.

Today I spent even more time on chores (because I discovered I had no clean clothes....everyone else did, just not me), filled my cupboards, visited my dad (had to make sure the plague had skipped him), held my first solo Pampered Chef show (yeah me!), and made my very first resume. Not a bad day if I do say so myself.

FYI the squirrel is STILL in my basement! I don't think the live trap will ever work. I'm going to end up with squirrel grand babies in my walls.

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