Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wild Angry Storytime

So today has been a hard day for a number of reasons. In my house we don't have manic Mondays, we have wild Wednesdays. Wednesday is transition day. I get my Peanut back at 8:30 am. This typically means that I role out of bed, put on whatever I was wearing the day before, and hop in the freezing car. Once home the insanity begins. She wants me to pay attention only to her. I can't do a chore with out her tagging along. When I'm sitting she wants to be in my lap, and so on and so forth. Now this wouldn't be so much of a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that I have my (almost) 8 month old Nugget who needs much of my time and attention and is also in my lap constantly. Today the eruption was sneaky. We had been having a good day: pic-nic in the kitchen, leggos in the kids room, color wonders at the table. But shortly after gingerly placing my son down in his crib for a nap, I did the unthinkable (this is the sarcastic part folks), I told her NO she could not play her DS. I wanted her to do something more active. Suddenly the flood gates opened, the world ended, it rained brimstone and fire, and a tornado was in the spot my beautiful child had been. The screams of his over tired sister roused my son and soon the house was filled with the symphony of children's wails. Ah glorious Wednesday you aren't complete without me wanting to bash my head against a wall.

As if this wasn't enough for my day, I was ambushed by my Husband. He became irritated at the fact that I needed his assistance with a bill that involved my daughter. Instead of talking it out with me and discussing what was bothering him. He chose to call my ex an make a meeting. One that he told me was going to be about getting her dad to help with the bills, but instead turned in to a lecture on how I was spending money on a luxury and how I needed to consult with them before making these kinds of decisions. (Which I had, but since men have the memory of a f-ing gold fish, and I hadn't told them 80000 times, I of course had never talked to them about it.) I could go into more detail but I'm not going to Husband or Ex bash on my blogs. It's just enough to say that it made me VERY angry and I did not put up with it. Because I do not spend money Willy-Nilly, I never have. And I won't be treated like a kept wife when I pull my weight and then some. Sometimes I'd just like to scream at them until the windows crack and fall in. 


Instead I called my sister and in a 5 minute rant tried to blow off all the steam before I ended up using my Pampered Chef knives for something they were never intended for. And just for the icing on the cake, this meeting was called today at dinner, bath, and bed time. Oh yeah I was really happy about that. *arrgghhss* OK I think I'm done with it now...maybe. 

Anyway after the kids were in bed and the Ex went back to his place I sat down with my Husband and let him know that his tactics were NOT appreciated, and that he was supposed to be on MY team, remember? He didn't admit fault but he didn't deny it either. I think a big part of our problems right now stem from lack of communication. It's not an excuse, just an hard reminder that we need to do better. 

On a totally different note I managed to take a shower, eat three full meals and meet most of my goals today without killing anyone (This is where you applaud). In taking Peanut to her dance class I made my three contacts. While she was at dance I rushed home to get in 20 min of exercise. Not the 30 I want but way better than nothing. After the kids were asleep I hopped onto a conference call for Pampered Chef for an hour to learn more about expanding my business. When That was done I did an hour of story work. I've only got 2 pages rewritten and edited, and I didn't want to stop, but it's two more than I had done. And now I've almost finished my blog. I have to say, with the day I had, I'm REALLY proud of me. 

In closing, I'll leave you with an excerpt from my book:

"Sometimes my whole family treats me like I'm dumb. Speaking of dumb, my mom did the lamest thing EVER the other day. She actually divided mine and my sister's room with tape. Can you believe it, TAPE! Who does that?! And all over a little fight with my sister about me taking her stuff without her permission. As if I want her junk. And I didn't bite her that hard. She didn't even bleed. Now if I want to leave the room I have to ask. What a pain! But that's OK. If she wants to get dressed in the morning she had better be nice to me."



  1. Applause! Applause!! Woot!!! *wolf whistle* *standing ovation* *flowers and money showered upon you*

    My favorite lines from this post:

    "Ah glorious Wednesday you aren't complete without me wanting to bash my head against a wall." and

    "...before I ended up using my Pampered Chef knives for something they were never intended for."

    Freaking genius-lol! Also, I love that quote from your book! FINISH ITTTT so I can REAAAAD ITTTT!-lol! Love ya!

  2. I also feel that I'm a genius, good to know I'm right. *grins* I promise I'll get it done. And if I have my way I'll do another next year.

  3. Um, you are TOTALLY doing another one in November! You have to write TABOO for me! (Is that still the working title? I can't remember...) I FINALLY finished plotting Ouroboros last night!!! Finally know which scenes I have to write to put it together and how I'm going to structure it-woot!
