Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I'm off to an inglorious start. In writing this post I have accomplished a whole 2 of my daily goals. I foolishly decided to spend time with my husband watching movies tonight before he goes to work. I had thought to stay up late to get things done. But my son has chosen to take a looooonnnggg nap (i.e. early bedtime). There for meaning that I better get my butt to bed and rest before he wakes up. *feh* On the plus side the one goal I did get done was exercise.I say that's a plus as since my mother's passing I have been saying that I want/need to get in better shape. In the long run I would love to lose weight, however right now I'll just aim for healthy. 

On a side note have you ever noticed how damn peppy the b*^&%es on workout videos are? It's so frustrating. I would like just once for them to look like they are actually "feeling the burn". I mean honestly their sing songy sugar sweet voices chanting "and lift and forward, now lift and back" while I pant like I just ran a mile makes me want to barf. And they look so damn happy about spending an hour rolling around on the floor to do their reaching and stretching. I'd like to see them look so glad to do it in my house where animals and kids have done god knows what to the carpet instead of in their pristine studios. But I digress. 

Tomorrow I get my daughter back so lord only knows if I will manage my goals then either, but I'm going to keep plugging away and one day soon I'll actually have a semblance of a schedule again....maybe. Ttfn.


  1. LOL re: peppy bitches rolling on our kid -and-pet-infested floors!!! Wouldn't it be great if just once one of those Sicko Barbies would say, "This sucks, doesn't it? I know, because I hurt like hell, too! Let's just get through this shit together once a day and then go splurge on a fat-free popcicle. Or, fuck it-maybe even a sugar-free chocolate pudding!"

  2. Great now I want chocolate pudding thankyouverymuch. *laughs*
