Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spin Cycle: Me, Myself, and who the hell are you!

So as requested this blog is supposed to be about me (and only me). I find that so hard to do as I have so many roles that I "play". They cover Daughter, sister, mother, wife and just me. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish cuz the lines can get blurred. and each of those roles has subcategories. But when I think about me only a few things come to mind. Mostly old things. I think I miss myself.

I used to sing, not just sing but SING. On stage, crowd applause, humming, thrumming, moving Singing that evoked all kinds of emotions in me. And now I don't. Oh I'm not saying that I never crack a note. Just that it's been reduced to singing with the radio and singing soft lullabies to half awake kidlets. And I miss it. I didn't even notice how much until a few years ago when I joined the community theater for their musical, and then it all came rushing back. I've thought of joining community choir, I know some guys who are in it, but problem is I want to be the star. I want a mass of fawning adoring fans all clamoring for me to sing "just one more song!" However, in retrospect I'm not sure any throng would sound as sweet as hearing that same phrase coming from my Peanut.

I also used to be braver. I didn't care what anybody thought of me. I would walk right up to people and let them know what I thought. Or ask them where they got something. Or what have you. I let this be trained out of me over the years. By people who made me feel stupid for asking questions, or others who didn't have time to give me a proper response. I'm trying to come out of this odd fear. I keep reminding myself that I spent 18 years being outspoken and wild, yes that means I've had ten years to be all meek and mousy, but that vivacious me was there longer. I should just have to dig her out. right?

I've been doing a lot of personal searching since my mom died. (I hate typing that. It's so final. The term dead, or died. There are so many softer ways to say it. But the truth is that she died, she is not here). I've been searching for who I am so that I can live a life free from regret, free from fear, free from anything that inhibits my limited time in this world. (I'm not trying to be fatalistic, just realistic, we aren't here forever, no matter what we may wish). That means a lot of finding the whys. And some of that is hard to analyze.

In the sub title of my blog it states that I'm a tiger mama. This is a term that my sister coined. It's a way that she uses to describe those of us mothers who would fight to the death for our kids. (and yes that is many of us) but there is something more to it than that, much more. In my mind it's about being fearless in facing the world, showing your children that while you would do anything to protect them, you also want to show them how to protect themselves. How to begin as they plan to continue. And to quote the Hatter from the new "Alice in Wonderland" I think I have lost my "muchness".

I'd like nothing better than to work it all out right here and now. But the truth is that the time for self analysis is minimal. Between chores and caring for kids, errands and work, there is little time to sit and ponder my id, ego and whatnot. I think that right now it's enough that I know I have things to work on. That I'm not just going to brush those parts of me under the table, I'm going to work on digging them out and rediscovering them.

For more Spins check out Sprite's Keeper.


  1. I think I miss myself. This phrase stood out to me. I think we all feel like that from time to time. I can think of soo many things I used to be or did, that some how managed to get lost in this thing we call life.

    Great post! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. I saw that movie, and by the end of it, the "muchness" quote stuck with me. It's so easy to lose sight of ourselves when mothering, wifing, LIVING, working. This is why I took up blogging as a whole. An outlet for me. Only me. Every word on that site is mine. Every word on this site is yours. And definitely sing again. From a former singer who is only allowed to sing when the three year old wants a duet, otherwise has to remain quiet during the musical numbers, sing your heart out. I always found that to be such a great release.
    You're linked and welcome to the Spin Cycle!

  3. There are times when I wonder where the girl in the mirror went and who the woman looking back at me is. I don't feel like a woman but there she is looking at me. I think she is going to be someone I'll like but finding the time to get to know her around the life I'm living is tough. Keep working on you, start singing again and keep blogging--you should be able to figure out more about the you you are.

  4. You can dig her out, Elle. Just remember Alice's line before crossing the moat, "Lost my muchness, have I?" she said grimly. Then she clutched her sword and pressed on. We come from a great line of tiger mamas, and I know they're looking down at you, proud as all hell. <3

  5. It seems like life is like chapters in a book. It might be an end of a chapter, but never the end of the story. Your "muchness" is always there. You are just passing it on to your kids and working on developing theirs. Just look for the opportunities to let yourself shine every once and awhile because they will come.

    I love the tiger mama reference because that is exactly what happened when I had my son. I went from being a scared-y cat to a lioness.

  6. It's so easy to lose yourself when you become a mom because you become so absorbed in taking care of them. Trust me, once they grow up you have plenty of time to find yourself...and you've grown so much by them you're not at all who you used to be...and for me that has been a good thing.It's amazing how much we learn about life from rearing children.
