Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I had thought to make this a random thought tuesday blog... but  it is sadly now wednesday and that no longer works. *foo* So  you'll just have to enjoy my randomness now at midnight thirty. So here it goes.

I hate (loath, detest and despise) daylight savings. I think it is useless and pointless and bothersome. It's a sham that has us believing that we have a handle on things like light and time. I'm hear to tell you that that is a crock. I think we should just leave the damn thing alone and at the end of the year it will all work out fine. (and none of this in anyway has to do with the fact that I forgot to change my clocks yet again)

I've been feeling off my game lately. It could do with the time change. OR it could be due to the fact that we've been ill and have spread it around so now I've had my daughter on all the wrong days. Don't get me wrong I LOVE having her. I'm just not used to it on these days so I've been thrown a bit of a curve ball.

In other news I've quit my job. It sucked and I hated it. It was giving me way more stress than I needed and it was leaking all over my family. Not cool. So I'm now free from the world of being an employee and am now just my own boss with Pampered Chef. That thought alone makes me totally jazzed.

I found out recently that my favorite cousin, one of my best friends in the universe is thinking of moving from far away to far far away. And I'm completely sad about it. I mean it doesn't really change anything. We don't get to see each other now. But the idea is there that he's near (ish) and I'm able to visit should I be able. If he moves there's no way short of me becoming an overnight millionaire that I'll see him until he comes home. What a bunch of bunk. But I get why he feels he should and I'd never hold him back. (At least I'd make sure they could never pin it on me *grins*)

I'm so happy that spring appears to be around the corner. It seems like we went from having a shit ton of snow on the ground to none in no time....but my husband says it took a whole month.

oh oh I forgot to share the joy of joys, rapture of raptures. The squirrel that has been invading my house has been captured and sent on it's little tree rat way. Thank god for live traps. It left a parting gift of poo on my van floor. But ding dong the squirrel is gone! whooot!

I never intended to be up this late posting, but I did that thing were I stayed up to spend time with my husband last night and so when I put the kids to bed tonight I passed out with them for an impromptu nap. So here I am wide awake and sharing  my thoughts with the void that is the internet.

Alas my son has awoken and wants me to feed him or something, so I should get on that. I hope that this has been an enlivening bit of random for you and that your wednesday is great.

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